Talented footballer Emily W is the first Repton pupil in recent history to have been selected for the Midlands U15 ESFA Squad.

The English Schools’ Football Association is the national governing body for school football in England and prides itself on showcasing the abilities of top players. Emily’s achievement places her in the top 64 U15 Girls footballers in the country and will lead her into the ESFA National Squad selection process which starts in November. Emily currently plays a year above her age group for Leicester City U15s.

Girls’ football at Repton is growing at a rapid pace. Under the coaching expertise of Stoke City’s Molly Holder, the girls’ teams train three times a week with high attendance across year groups. As well as the dedicated girls’ teams, they are also integrated with the boys’ programme; meaning the girls are free to join the appropriate boys’ training groups and can be selected for boys’ matches. Most recently, seven of Repton’s female footballers played across the boys’ fixtures.

With strong links to Derby County’s Regional Talent Club, and a number of Repton girls playing at club level, Repton is establishing an enviable fixture list for the girls’ squads including planned matches against Manchester United U14 and U16 squads as well as other schools.

Repton’s football programme allows all pupils to enjoy the game, whether that be in keenly contested House League matches or as an aspiring professional footballer. Dedicated coaches ensure that players receive the right support to pursue both school and club playing experience without compromising their academic education.

The London Magazine Guide to Schools recently reported on the growing success of girls’ football at Repton Prep: read the article here.

Find out more about the Football programme at Repton