Six schools from the Repton family took part in the inaugural Repton debating festival last week.

Pupils from Repton, Repton Prep, Al Barsha, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Chi-Way in China collaborated in the online festival to debate the motion ‘this house believes that climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity.’

With the aim of encouraging young adults from across the globe to engage in current affairs and address the issues of the future, the festival was open to all secondary pupils regardless of experience. Lead by Repton’s Head of Higher Education and Careers, Jack Swanston, the debaters took part in three days of debate workshops delivered across the six schools focusing on the skills required to participate in the British Parliamentary style of debating.

Mr Swanston praised the competitors for being well engaged with the motion and providing a range of well-considered and interesting facts in support of their arguments. Congratulations to Repton Lower Sixth pupils Sophie D, Georgie B, Manav C and Hugo X who all won their debates. Year 10 pupils Bella C and Beth P debated impressively however lost out to a talented Repton Dubai team.

The development of the Repton family of schools is key to Repton’s future vision. Our global community gives pupils the opportunity to connect and collaborate with peers from different cultures, heritage and backgrounds, breaking down barriers and creating a special network of schools with shared values and aims.