Repton School is delighted to celebrate the success of Upper Sixth pupil, Ella Rush, who has been crowned UK Indoor Women’s Pentathlon Champion. 

British Athletics tweeted the news calling it a ‘brilliant day of action’ and saying Ella “sealed the win in style with a 2:19.06 PB in the 800m to finish with 4,365 points,” accompanied by a picture of Ella wearing her gold medal and holding the Union flag.  

Ella commented: “It was amazing to compete alongside senior women who have competed in the discipline many times. Repton has helped me balance between academics and athletics without compromising either. I have been able to fulfil my training commitments with full support from the School, and I have my sights set on going to the World Championships in Colombia later this year to compete in the Under 20s Heptathlon event.”

Headmaster Mark Semmence joined the whole Repton School community in celebrating Ella’s success, saying: “This gold medal does not only represent Ella’s immense talent, but the extraordinary level of dedication she commits to her sport. There is no question that Ella deserves this title and I applaud the attitude and resilience she has shown to reach this elite level whilst continuing with her studies.”  

The UK Athletics Indoor Championships and World Trials, which celebrates the UK’s top track and field athletes, took place in Birmingham on 26 and 27 February.  

This latest title adds to Ella’s impressive list of successes, which include: British U18 Champion, England U18 SIAB Indoor Combined International Pentathlon, England U15 Champion for Long Jump, High Jump, Pentathlon and Hexathlon. 

Below we interviewed Ella on how it feels to be British National Champion for Pentathlon at just 17 and how she balances school work with her intense training regime.